
bb_logoBeefBank is a charity established by the Rotary Club of Brisbane Centenary Inc. Its sole purpose is to provide meat (usually beef) to Foodbank Australia in Brisbane. Foodbank, in turn, distributes to charitable organisations who feed the homeless and disadvantaged.

It might seem strange that the Rotary Club of Brisbane Centenary should set up a charity solely to distribute meat. However, charities like the Salvation Army, church groups and welfare organisations that provide these meals have very little access to meat protein. This is of course an important and essential source of nutrition in any diet, especially for families. BeefBank is the Rotary Club of Brisbane Centenary’s way of assisting other groups in providing meals for those in need.

BeefBank partners with many others to enable the supply of meat to Foodbank. Our partnerships include cattle buyers, farmers, state prisons, abattoirs and transport companies and allow us to function in the most cost effective and efficient way.

Why We Help

Why do we need to help? Feeding the needy is now a $150 million per year national problem. One in 10 Australians are now seeking relief, and 1 in 200 people are homeless. BeefBank supports the homeless and disadvantaged by providing fresh meat to Foodbank Queensland. Foodbank then supply the many community and welfare organisations that are at the forefront of tackling these social issues. A large portion of the recipients of Foodbank support are breakfast programs at schools. These programs are becoming a vital service as  one in 30 – a child in almost every classroom – goes to bed or school hungry nearly every day, according to the final report of the Australian Child Wellbeing Project (ACWP).

For more information or to make a donation please visit the Beefbank website here.